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Tag: primary-key

Why we need a primary key?

I am reading about primary keys and at a lot of tutorials, technical blogs etc., and I found that a primary key cannot be null. I think it’s totally wrong because I was able to insert null value in the column. I suppose a primary key can have a not null value only if the column is declared as not

Retrieve Oracle last inserted IDENTITY

Since Oracle 12c we can use IDENTITY fields. Is there a way to retrieve the last inserted identity (i.e. select @@identity or select LAST_INSERTED_ID() and so on)? Answer Well. Oracle uses sequences and default values for IDENTITY functionality in 12c. Therefore you need to know about sequences for your question. First create a test identity table. First, lets find your


I have a table for storing coupons/discounts, and I want to use the coupon_code column as the primary key, which is a VARCHAR. My rationale is that, each coupon will have a unique code, and the only commands I will be running are SELECT … FROM … WHERE coupon_code=’..’ I won’t be doing any joins or indexing, and I don’t
