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Tag: postgresql

Postgresql constraint violated at restore

I have a problem with a constraint that is being violated by some rows when restoring my DB, but has never been violated at usage. I have 3 tables : some_table here is another table, which I think is not relevant for this problem. Now what I want is to have a unicity constraint between and bs.some_id through the

Syntax error while using WHERE clause in PostgreSQL

I’m trying to run some queries related to the University database in PostgreSQL. To find students advised by instructors from different departments, I used- However im getting the following error: ERROR: syntax error at or near “where” LINE 3: student join instructor where student.dept_name <> instructo… Any fix? Answer Please try this: Instead of where you need to use on

speed up the query which is taking 2 seconds on 1000000 on active records also on PostgreSQL Sql

I’m creating a dynamic query on the server side beside the parameter. However, my query is taking 2 seconds to fetch the records. I’m passing the query through active records let me share the query and Active record rails code SELECT (custom_attribute_values.attributable_id) FROM custom_attribute_values WHERE ((“custom_attribute_id” = ’12’ AND “value_string” = ‘Female’) OR (“custom_attribute_id” = ’12’ AND “value_string” = ‘Male’))

Count number of students per one role SQL

I have a table students with student id, course id and role number looking like this (ordered by student_id): How to count number of students for each role? If student is enrolled in multiple courses with the same role number, then count this as one. The expected output for above table would be similar to this: So in the above

Set minutes of timestamp to a specific value

What is the easiest way to set the exact minutes value of a timestamp? This only adds minutes instead of setting the exact value: Answer Use date_trunc() before you add 2 minutes: Or, to retain seconds and sub-seconds: Demo: Should be substantially faster than manipulating the text representation and casting back.

Find students who take most courses SQL

Assume there’s a table students containing student id, semester id and number of courses taken in each semester: How can I find students in each semester who took the largest number of courses? Expected output would be: I thought of using OVER PARTITION BY, but I’m not sure how to use it correctly with this type of query. What I
