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Tag: postgresql

PSQL stored procedures using arrays as parameter

I’m using PostgreSQL and currently creating a stored procedure to do some calculations. I’ve been searching all morning and reading the documentation, but either the functionality I want isn’t supported or I must’ve overlooked something. Basically, this is what I have: Basically what happens is that I calculate how often I need to make a travel to deliver something, which

table only record one character of my form field

One of my tables from pgsql has a strange behaviour like the title says. Here are some screenshots: As you can see, the name zamdam must be record in the column “nom” in pgadmin instead of recording one letter for one column, here is the sql statement + server code : It was working well until I started to add

SQL: Flattening multiple rows in ugly data

I’m working on a fairly odd scenario in which I’ve got to compensate for a client’s database that isn’t very well-ordered. The data (example below) concerns some products that have a main serial number (serial) and between 0 and 4 additional alternate serials (alt_serial). Unfortunately, neither of these columns is a primary key, and each alternate serial number produces an
