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Tag: php

Script timeout passed error on MAMP phpmyadmin

I’m trying to upload this sql file that’s 225MB to phpmyadmin with MAMP. However, I keep getting this error Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit the same file and import will resume. I’ve changed the php.ini file in MAMP like so: I’ve also changed the setting in phpmyadminlibrariesconfig.default.php, like this: Is there any other solution

How to select only latest added records avoiding duplicates

I need to select from the table competition_rounds the latest added records which are linked to the competition_seasons table with the season_id column, eg: competition_rounds competition_seasons I want return only: the problem’s that my query return all rounds available: NB: The table competition simply contains a list of competition references. Answer If I understand correctly, you can use a subquery

INNER JOIN is not working, i do not get errors

$result = mysqli_query($conn,”SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN `table2` ON `table1`.`id`=`table2`.`id`;”); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result) ){ echo ‘name