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Tag: performance

Slow sql statement when using variables

I have the following SQL statement running against a MariaDB 10.1.26 with ~2.000 rows with instant results. When I use the following statement with variables for the datetime fields, the execution takes ~5.5 seconds. The more data rows I have, the longer it takes to execute the statement. Seems like the variables change the behaviour of the statement somehow. What’s


Does anyone know another way to run the query below more efficiently? I’m using SQL Server 2014. I’m facing a problem if i create index on table or on view . On table 2 (TB_FATURA_ITEM_TRANSACAO_HST) , has stored 50 million rows . I was wondering using Schemabiding on View , but I was looking in some articles that is not

Heap big table with performance issues

I have a business case where I need to store all details about invoices from vehicle workshop (invoice number, dealer,vehicle number, peace, nature of service , …). I have more than 50 columns which are all selected in the same query. In my treatment I need to do some specific treatment in order to get cleansed data and some basic

Query with rownum got slow

I have got a table table with 21 millions records of which 20 millions meet the criterion col1= ‘text’. I then started iteratively to set the value of col2 to a value unequal to NULL. After I have mutated 10 million records, the following query got slow, that was fast in the beginning: I noticed that as soon as I

PostgreSQL – Query Optimization

I have this below query which takes about 15-20 secs to run. with cte0 as ( SELECT label, date, CASE WHEN Lead(label || date || “number”) OVER (PARTITION BY label || date || “number” ORDER BY “label”, “date”, “number”, “time”) IS NULL THEN ‘1’::numeric ELSE ‘0’::numeric END As “unique” FROM table_data LEFT JOIN table_mapper ON table_mapper.”type” = table_data.”type” WHERE Date
