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Tag: performance

Join two tables bring mismatch values MYSQL

I have two tables with >4million records i need to make a select query with where two columns match bring both tables value on this match and then i will insert that into a 3rth table: This is table A: (bitfinex) This is table B: (Kraken) I need to do a SELECT where timestamp and exchange_pair matches, as you can

Syntax performance of INNER JOIN

Is the performance of both these examples the same? Example 1: Example 2: I am using example #2 at the moment since I am joining 15+ tables, each table with many unnecessary columns and many rows (1 million+) Answer Oracle is smart enough and does not take all columns from table 1 and join them with all columns from table

Speeding Up Access 2016 Query

I have a query that contains amongst other things batsmanIDs and League names (extract below). I have put together another query to return all records where a batsman has played in each of two Leagues. The query works but it is very, very slow. There are 48,000 records returned in the first query but when I use that it runs

Determining what index to create given a query?

Given a SQL query: How do you determine what index to write to improve the performance of the query? (Assuming every value to the right of the equal is calculated at runtime) Is there a built in command SQL command to suggest the proper index? To me, it gets confusing when there’s multiple JOINS that use fields from both tables.
