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Tag: isnull

Function to REPLACE* last previous known value for NULL

I want to fill the NULL values with the last given value for that column. A small sample of the data: In this example, the NULL values should be 1089066 until I reach the next non-NULL value. I tried the answer given in this response, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated, thank you! EDIT: Sorry, I got

how to select rows with no null values (in any column) in SQL?

I have a table called table1 It has 100 columns: {col1, col2, …,col100} I understand how to SELECT rows not containing null values in a specific column for instance col1: How do I SELECT all rows that do not contain null values in any column Attempt but this returns an error in MySQL (which I am using) Answer You need

Divide by zero error encountered error. Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation

In this specific part of a SP I’m trying to create, I’m getting an error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Divide by zero error encountered. Additional error <2>: ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation., SqlState: 01003, NativeError: 8153 I believe this is because I’m trying to

IS NULL in CASE in predicates

tell me pls, that’s real – use the CASE construct, where the expression with IS NULL/IS NOT NULL will be returned in TNEN? I have a procedure in a package that receives an input parameter and it is …

SQL “IS NOT NULL” compensation for SAP HANA SQLScript

Actually I tried to run a is null SQL Statement on a SAP HANA Database using the SAP HANA Studio. This does not work because SQLScript has no is not null or is null function. My statement looks like: Unfortunately it does not work. Does anybody know an alternative approach which is practicable using SAP HANA SQLScript? On the internet

SQL Server : ISNULL(compound NULL condition, ‘a string’) returns only the 1st character, under certain circumstance(s)

I’m a self-taught, vaguely competent SQL user. For a view that I’m writing, I’m trying to develop a ‘conditional LEFT’ string-splitting command (presumably later to be joined by a ‘conditional RIGHT’ – whereby: If a string (let’s call it ‘haystack’) contains a particular pattern (let’s call it ‘needle’), it will be pruned to the left of that pattern Otherwise, the

using sql – Is not null in a select statement

I can’t seem to figure out how to use the opposite of isnull or ifnull statements in sql. I need to say if a.Error1 is not null — then print the ‘ – ‘ and the + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10). Basically There should be no dash or no new line break if the a.Error1 comes back null. So print the information if

MySQL comparison with null value

I have a column called CODE in a MySQL table which can be NULL. Say I have some rows with CODE=’C’ which I want to ignore in my select result set. I can have either CODE=NULL or CODE!=’C’ in my result …
