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Tag: oracle18c

Display data of a column as a row in Oracle

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for your time in advance. I have a table as shown below: I would like to display the data from the above table as shown below: If no data is present within the COL_DESC for a row then the data from the COL_NAME column needs to be displayed. I

Oracle Analytical Function?

For the given table below, how can we find the customer whose name appears 3 times consecutively. Desired_Output Table Definition: Code Tried so far I believe we can do this by using lead/lag to get the previous and next row. Although my solution gives the desired output but i don’t think this is correct solution. Answer Your method is close.

How to joins in oracle based on condition

I have two tables as below: Table Apple: Table KEEY: Desired Output: Code Tried So far: This is giving me : I guess i need to use pivot instead of Union to get both the ids on same row. Have you ever encountered such scenarios? Any pointers to proceed will be very helpful. Thanks in Advance! DDL used for the
