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Tag: oracle11g

How to transpose row to columns in Oracle as shown below using Unpivot?

Source Table Cost Category Cost Category Type Q1-2020 Q2-2020 Q3-2020 Q4-2020 Employee Impacted Period Cost 10 20 0 4000 Achieved Result Cost Category Cost Category Type Quarter Year Value Employee Impacted Period Cost Q1-2020 10 Employee Impacted Period Cost Q2-2020 20 Employee Impacted Period Cost Q3-2020 0 Employee Impacted Period Cost Q4-2020 4000 Desired Result Cost Category Cost Category Type

How to select columns on the basis of column names in Oracle

I tried the following, but that doesn’t work. Answer In this example, I’m composing a select statement based on list of columns from a table (passed to function as a parameter) whose name satisfies certain condition. As it is Scott’s emp table and its columns don’t have any suffix, I’m choosing columns whose name contains letter E. Based on that

How to distribute stock quantity from a single cell to different aging brackets based on the the aging brackets quantities?

We have a table with item codes and current stock quantity and quantities in aging brackets whenever they were received (1-90, 91-120, etc) as follows: I need to distribute the STOCK_AS_ON_DATE quantity in the age brackets until no balance quantity is left. Example: Item A’s STOCK_AS_ON_DATE is 40377, in A1TO90 column we can see that 4000 quantities were received, in

Using Right() or Substr() in an UPDATE statement

I have two tables : Second Table : I need to update the field HC_ID of Add_T Table and I use the following SQL statement: It doesn’t work. Also, I used the right() function and also got incorrect results. Could anyone say where is the mistake? Answer Looks like you need the last 4 characters of a string. If so,
