I have a table containing multiple columns, and I want to order by three of the columns within the table. I want to order by lot, then unit, and lastly number. Lot and Unit can contain nulls (need them listed at the bottom) whereas Number column does not contain Null. I’ve tried a bunch of case statements but its not
Tag: null
Replace NULL values per partition
I want to fill NULL values in device column for each session_id with an associated non-NULL value. How can I achieve that? Here is the sample data: +————+——-+———+ | session_id | step …
For each ID get the first record where Product is not null (Postgresql)
I have customer data with information when the appointment took place, what type of appointment it was and wheather a Product was selected. I am trying to get the earliest appointment for every id where Product is not null. Basically reduce the table where id only appears once with appointment date and type where product is not missing. This doesn’t
Do any databases get NULL and “NULL” confused, or is it always an application design failure?
I’ve read a few articles like this one about a license plate value of NULL (about Droogie from DEF CON 27), including part of chapter three Little Data in the book Humble Pi by Matt Parker (talking about Steve Null), where storing a string value of “NULL” in a database matches NULL values. With databases I’ve used (at least AFAIK),
Anyway to add a constraint when using SQL count
I want to to use count to include a criteria where patient doesn’t have diabetetes, and then using the query to show country that has at least 3 patients that doesn’t have diabetes How shoudl I be doing this? How can I include a constraint when using count? yeah I think this should work, basically my logic is not every
counting totals after left join and requiring 0 for a NULL variable – SQL Server
I am using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 and I am running the following query: I would like the total number of appointments for these 3 individuals for now. Then, I will include everyone in Table 1. Table 1 gives me the ID (one row per individual), Table 2 gives me all appointments across different days per individual. The results
Need Help Generating NULL Entries for Months with No Orders
I have to create output that shows all fields from a table (Tbl) and create an additional column that calculates Cumulative Sum for each customer by month, (eg if a customer has two sales in April, the new column will have the Sum of those sales and any prior sales on both rows). That much I can do. My issue
Need help eliminating Null data and retrieving last months records
Choose one value from several columns and create a new column with the chosen value in Oracle SQL Developer
I am trying to build a SQL query where I create a new column that contains a chosen value form several columns. The rows of the columns are all null except one which is the desired value to put in the new column. An example could be as the following: Thank you! Answer As promptly commented by jarlh, you can
NULL behavior with Comoperator like ALL in Oracle SQL
https://oracle-base.com/articles/misc/all-any-some-comparison-conditions-in-sql Query 1 : Nothing is coming. But for below quesry. All records are coming while subquesry is returning is NULL same as like above query (SELECT NULL FROM DUAL ) Query 2: Please explain me why Query 1 is returning No Records but Query 2 is returning all records. As per my knowledge Query 1 should also return all