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Tag: mysql

SELECT from table where id is not represented with another user_id

I’m trying to select rows, where the id_imported_urls is only present on the current user, but i cant figure out how to make the SQL call properly. Answer With NOT EXISTS: This will return a row only if id_imported_urls = 23965 does not exist for any user_id <> 4 . This query: returns all the id_imported_urls that belong to only

SQL: Update a table column with data in column retrieved from a view in same procedure

I’m trying to do a select and update within the same local procedure. The idea is to retrieve the number of ordered products from a specific order in the view (Produktantal) and then updating the stock numbers (antal) from the table “produktlager” with the data retrieved from the view. I’m receiving the follow error message Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column ‘Produktantal’

MySQL Query WHERE [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question [Open this image][1] [1]: I try query, why cant one technition only? Query : Like this kode_ticket|tanggalbuat_ticket|tanggalapprove_ticket|tanggalfinish|nama_lapor|nama_teknisi|subject_ticket|detail_ticket|status_ticket|progress_ticket 0000000|20000000|10000000|5000000|Romauli Naibaho|Muklis 2|blabla|blabla|Progress|20 **SOLVED WITH : WHERE

SQL Select after character /

I’d like to select everything AFTER a certain character (/) that is placed on the most right side. I’v in CSV_COL(3) this text 200/100 or 50/10 ot 10/5 etc.. and i need to uso only number to the …
