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Tag: character

SQL, like, after characters

It’s possible to do a LIKE SQL after some characters? I wanted “LIKE” sql after “:” with ” A” So, REGEX like should be return only the first and third sentence. For the fourth sentence, i added ” ANSWER” should not itself return because the regex is ” A” and not ” A%” Do you have an idea? Answer Simply

SQL Select after character /

I’d like to select everything AFTER a certain character (/) that is placed on the most right side. I’v in CSV_COL(3) this text 200/100 or 50/10 ot 10/5 etc.. and i need to uso only number to the …

How to add characters in the results up to certain length in SQL

I need to add * symbols to make all records to 15 digits. What is the best way? Thanks, Answer Your other questions are tagged for SQL Server, so I will assume that database. SQL Server does not support rpad(), but you can use left() and replicate(): or: If col is not already a string, then you need to cast
