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Tag: mysql-workbench


two table EMPLOYEE and Department EMPLOYEE’s fields are ID,Name, Salary ,DEPT_ID(foreign key to department table) DEPARTMENT’S fields are id,NAME,LOCATION VALUES OF EMPLOYEE TABLE WILL Be Values OF DEPARTMENT TABLE WILL BE Output from these table should be DEPARTMENT_Name should be alpabetically within their count If are there same Count DEPARTMENT_Name should appear in alpabetically and count will be desc order

Constant field has to be set MySQL

Attribute ‘Territory program’ is a constant field and has to be set to ‘Territory and Quota Program’ constant in result set, I don’t want to add a new column in table, so how can I do that in my select statement if possible? Also I have a column Status… not distributed – if data exists but not distributed to employee

Symmetric Pair in SQL with JOIN

I am trying to find the name of students where a symmetric pair exists. There are 3 tables: Edit from your comment: A student is called as being a part of a symmetric pair if the marks obtained by that student in science is equal to the marks obtained by some other student in mathematics and the marks obtained in
