If a combo box = Closed, rejected or cancelled then display today’s date in text box. for example I have a combo box that has closed open rejected and cancelled. If someone chooses closed rejected or canceled then I need a text box to display the current date. I tried the below code but not sure where to put it.
Tag: ms-access
Breaking Groups into 3 buckets based on whether or not one field has any 0s
I have events that are being treated differently based on whether or not expenses have 0 attendees. Each event has a unique code with several expense line items. If the attendee field has ALL 0 for each expense in this event code, then I need to append the method field to say method 1, for each expense with this event
Returning values from a database with a Substring
Let’s say I’ve got 3 product description fields with the values AC-120 XXX, AC-120,CCC and AC-120 BBB. How would I get that information from a table using only AC-120 as my search argument? I’ve tried using the subStr function but that won’t return any values either Answer LIKE is very appropriate for this comparison. However, MS Access uses different wildcards
How can I get the last date of different activities in a access table?
I want get the last date of each service. I would like to achieve the following: I tried this but it just get the record when the selected service have the last date Answer I think you want:
MS Access – string to date
I have a column Date with this format: 2019-07-01T07:03:05.612289+02:00 And I need chage thit final form yyyy-mm-ss (in this example 2019-07-01) Unfortunately this code does nothing: SELECT Format (…
MS Access SQL for UNION from 3 similar tables INSERT INTO a single field in a 4th table?
Aim: Select all distinct values from three different columns, each located in a different table: [QueryA].Att1, [QueryB].Att2, [QueryC].[Att C]. Return all selected values in a single column in a 4th …
Optimizing Access Query with Multiple sub-queries
I have a table of data that contains baseline project information, called ADMIN_WORK. I have a separate table that contains various attributes related to each project listed in ADMIN_WORK called WR_ATTRIBUTE. The structure of WR_ATTRIBUTE is such that each project has about 300 attributes (300 rows in the table) each with a unique name associated with the project number. I
How can I get a record to be counted in multiple columns of a Crosstab Query?
Background information: My company requires employees to maintain at least one certification (cert) on a position. There are a total of 17 different certifications that an employee can get. An …
VBA SQL update/insert to local table using values from form
I am trying to update a row in a local table stored in access (or insert a new row if that ID doesn’t already exist) using values populated in a form by the user. I am writing it in VBA using SQL. …
How to use PIVOT on SQL with additional criteria like colum count check and grouping?
Present output of the below SQL query is : Time | SumValue(CE+PE) 2 columns – ensuring the number of output is exactly ten. How can I transpose it to : Time | CE1Value | CE2Value |… |…