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Tag: ms-access

Subquery with multiple sorted results

Struggling on a most probably very simple query for MS Access, but couldn’t nail it for 3 days already. Any help would be highly appreciated.. There are 2 tables – Regions (REGNAME) and Cities (REGNAME, NAME, POPULATION) I need to get the top 10 cities sorted by the population in descending order for each region. There’s no problem to do

Query to delete duplicate records from MS Access

I have a table with multiple duplicate records. I’m using MS Access. I would like to delete duplicate records using a query. This is the table sample: I want my query result to be: Is here any way to do this in MS Access? Perhaps using SQL? I tried using query wizard but it only gives me list of duplicate

Capacity Management database

I am designing database using Microsoft Access for capacity management. I have different types of equipment and need to track the power usage by every month. For instance, I have HVAC system and Chiller System. Withing each system there are different equipments like AHU_1, AHU_2 ,AHU_3, MAU_1, MAU_2 and etc in HVAC system and CHWP_1, CHWP_2, CWP_1, CWP_2 and etc

Return a string using the month part of a date field

I am trying to create a query which populates the salesPeriod field from the salesDate field. The query should return a string value based on the date part of the salesDate. The conditions are: If month is equal to equal to 11, 12, 1, return “Christmas Sales” If month is equal to 6,7,8 return “Summer sales”. Otherwise return return “N/A”

Access Query to return custom quarters from a date field

If someone could help me out on this problem. This company’s quarter starts as follows where the numbers represent the months and the Q’s are the quarters. I am trying to make a query a that returns the number 1, 2, 3, 4 for dates that fall within the quarters. I have researched and came across this approach but doesn’t

Can’t find a field in a table

I have a table containing the field ‘cost’, when I try to extract its value from the table I get an error saying the field was not found. function TSQLs.Get(value,room,hotel: string): string; begin …

Time calculation from Date & Time

I am trying to figure out a way where I can use MS access to convert the the following data to show the minutes spent within each column, whilst also discounting weekends from the final figure. This …
