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Tag: many-to-many

How to perform Many to Many Relationship Filter Query

I want to perform a query in MySQL based on a filter. First of all, the two tables that will be used in the query are the following: Equipment: Field Type Id PK, Integer Name Varchar(50) Recipe: Field Type Id PK, Integer Name Varchar(50) The relationship between the two tables is Many-to-Many, so there is a pivot table. The filter

PostgreSQL / express rookie – create new table or just a new column in existing table? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This will probably get closed for being opinion based but hopefully I can get a comment or two. I’m building a social media app (Express/Postgres/React)

SQL many joins many to many

I have 5 tables: Table Reports Many to many table ReportsIpRel Table of InfoProviders Many to many table QueriesIpRel And table of Queries The SELECT I am trying to achieve is the following: I tried many left/inner joins like this: but all for nothing. I have to use where condition: WHERE report_Id = ‘2’ /EXAMPLE I’m trying to do this
