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Tag: linq

Why does orderBy in F# not result in an ORDER BY in SQL?

I’m currently working on a small project that uses USA county data. I have no problems ordering the data in a Seq.orderBy, but as there is a sortBy in the query expression I would expect the results to be sorted. This is not the case. Now, the above is what I’m executing, but my results end up looking like so:

Performance for using 2 where clauses in LINQ

In LINQ-to-Entities you can query entities by doing: I know that behind the scenes it will be translated to SQL to something similar to: However is there a difference (with respect to performance) if I write: Will it be translated to the same SQL query? From my understanding .Where() will return IEnumerable<T> so the second .Where() will filter the entities

LINQ to SQL, select from an inheritted class

Using LINQ to SQL and Object Relational Designing; Let’s say we have a class Animal with two inherited classes, named Cat and Dog. We can load the “Animal” class and its properties easily: However, when trying to load Cat or Dog, dataContext has the attribute of neither Cats nor Dogs. How is it possible to load a Cat or a
