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Tag: left-join


I have multiple SQL queries that look similar where one uses JOIN and another LEFT OUTER JOIN. I played around with SQL and found that it the same results are returned. The codebase uses JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN interchangeably. While LEFT JOIN seems to be interchangeable with LEFT OUTER JOIN, I cannot I cannot seem to find any information

Count from 4 tables with join and null values

Tables: What I am expecting to query is this: However this is what I get: With this query: I wonder, in what way the query above could be modified to return the expected results? What would be a good approach to achieve this? Answer You are joining along two dimensions, so you are getting a Cartesian products. That is simply

SQL how to select a single value from a table with LEFT JOIN, In Google Datastudio

I have two tables one table called mailing_events and one table called mailing_outletcontact. Examples of my tables are below. The mailing table is very simple with no duplicates: My Second table “mailing_outletcontact” has duplicates in the email field. I am trying to query the database in Datastudio with my goal being to get the “outletcontact_id” field with my first table

SELECT COUNT from two tables is not working

I have two tables – first table is “projects”: p_id p_name 1 test1 2 test2 3 test2 4 test3 p_name is not unique The second table is “employee”: e_id jan feb mar apr may 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 I’d like

Athena/Presto : Unnest 2 arrays with left join

So I have 2 Json arrays that need unnesting, and joining based on a key within the json structure. In theory is easy, but without having a ‘left join unnest’ functionality, it all becomes messy. I have achieved what I want, by grouping the results; but I also have concerns that it is doing 2 cross joins, effectively generating many

mysql order by field row display even if empty

I’ve two tables( bom and bom_parts). Need to inner join and display stock_deduct,GRN_id,part_id fields. Table 1 (bom): Table 2 (bom_parts): MySql query: Query Result: Expected Result: Even if the part_id field is empty in this case 8, 6, I just want to display the part_id with the stock_deduct field as 1 in the result as mentioned below. Stock_deduct GRN_id part_id
