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Tag: json

How to parsing Json in AWS Athena?

I want to parse the JSON column in Athena but I have a problem in one column. The column includes an escape character. I don’t know if this problem. I want to reach to Message. You can see below sample data and Message under Return. Thanks This is the JSON. Answer If you take only the object which contains return

Parsing JSON from SQL Server

I have a table with the following columns, one column being a JSON blob. I’m unclear how to parse the JSON blob as a series of columns alongside the other columns. I know there’s something called OPENJSON, but not sure how to apply it to this case. The json string example is below, from the DATA column above Answer openjson

How to Query JSON Within A Database

I would like to query information from databases that were created in this format: index label key data 1 sneaker UPC {“size”: “value”, “color”: “value”, “location”: “shelf2”} 2 location shelf2 {“height”: “value”, “row”: “value”, “column”: “value”} Where a large portion of the data is in one cell stored in a json array. To make matters a bit tricky, the attributes

Extract nested data in JSON variable in SQL

I need some help extracting the data I need out of a JSON variable in SQL: I need to get management_account_id, Month and cost_to_client/details in a table, the problem I am facing is that the month is higher up on the hierarchy than the details section, so I’m going into each individual month to access the details object, below is

Split values from many columns accordingly over multiple rows

Firstly i obatin data from Excel and convert them into DataTable in C# project. Secondly i parse this DataTable into JSON string and send it to database as a stored procedure parameter. I want to perform the merge operation on some table with values from this JSON string parameter. Values from this parameter can be represented as such table: EQ

How to achieve generic Audit.NET json data processing?

I am using Audit.Net library to log EntityFramework actions into a database (currently everything into one AuditEventLogs table, where the JsonData column stores the data in the following Json format: Me and my team has a main aspect to achieve: Being able to create a search page where administrators are able to tell who changed what did they change when

How to get JSONB array index

I’m sure there’s a simple answer to this but I just can’t find it. I need to obtain JSON array elements as rows, but their index is relevant for the subsequent processing. Here’s a [very simplified] example: I need to get: I’ve tried: But the section column is not computed correctly, as shown below: Answer You can use with ordinality
