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Tag: jooq

Unknown column sql error while using jooq

Query: Error: Database: MYSQL, Database Name: ‘users’, JOOQ Version: 3.16.6 Answer Correlating derived tables isn’t supported in MySQL 5.7. Support has been added only in MySQL 8.0.14: jOOQ currently can’t work around this limitation, see: The solution is either: Upgrade your MySQL version Use a MULTISET_AGG based approach instead

Boolean values are not mapping properly when using multiset in JOOQ

The ProductCategoryDto class : CategoryAttribute class : The query with needs to be executed is The output for the query is Database create statements: Code generation configuration in pom.xml: I am getting all the boolean fields as null while they are not null in Actual data. How to map the boolean fields properly so that there will be no null

Implement batchMerge() in JOOQ

I need to “upsert” a List of items. If an item’s id and anotherId is already existing, other values should be replaced by the new item. If it’s not, item should be inserted as new record. I came across JOOQ’s batchMerge and I thought it is similar to “upsert”. Unfortunately there are few documentation on the internet since this is

SQL row value expression with null failing in where-in query

I am struggling to understand why this where-in query is failing when there are nulls in the row value expression. The query is not returning a single record from the below table. I expected each row value expression to match exactly one record. I appears the null spoils the fun and I don’t understand why. It works as expected for

Create Athena table using JOOQ java

How can I create a Athena table using jooq library in java. Since Athena table uses syntax like create external table and we need to specifiy s3 bucket path also. I have a list of string from which i want to create the athena table. Can somebody suggest a way how i can do it with jooq library. Answer Amazon

JOOQ “IN” Query throws null pointer exception

When we try to fetch data with Null values field( with IN clause getting null pointer exception. Maybe because of this. In the database, we can provide null in IN clause. There is an existing “won’t fix” issue in jooq There are some alternatives: check null before IN(Cant do in my case its a really big select statement) So

How to translate millis to date and group by month and year in Jooq?

I have the following SQL which works as expected: I’m trying to recreate these SQL in Jooq, but I don’t know how to create a Date object from the milliseconds I have as creation_date in my database. Answer A common confusion when writing SQL GROUP BY is the logical order of SQL operations. While syntactically, SELECT seems to appear before
