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Tag: join

SELECT from table with count from another

I have 2 mysql tables I need to get all views by user, but also need to get the user role (for each view) and calculate a dynamic number of users used for every view. So, I need to get all view columns, plus the role of the user which do this request (from ViewUser), plus count of users for

SQL query join tables data

I have 2 tables Users and TimeSheets, Timesheets table has column UserId which is users id form users table obviously 🙂 Logic And I’m trying to get all data of Timesheets table plus just name of user from users table but somehow it seems like my query is other way around! Now I know this might be a simple query

query to get customer list using JOIN with sum () of the amounts spent in orders

I have the following tables table anag (customer registry) table levels (table that connects each customer to his salesperson. For database registration reasons, the link between customer and seller is given by the customer’s telephone number) table orders (contains all purchases made by customers, of course) What I’m trying to do is get from the JOIN of these tables a

SQL Insert into with join and where

I have three tables. For example: newTable: oldTable: associativeTable: What I want to do now is: I want to move the name column from oldTable to newTable. I have already altered newTable and added an empty name column. Now I’m trying to write a correct INSERT INTO statement. What I have so far is: I’m a bit lost on it.

Find two values of one Column based on value of another column per ID

I have a sqlite db with one table that called Loan. This table with sample data is here: Loan Table at This table contains below Columns: Now, I need a query to show desired result, contain [empid],[Codepayid],[Lval-1],[Lval-2],[Sum(Lint)],[Lrmn-1],[Lrmn-2], With this Conditions: For example: Result: EmpID CodepayID Lval1 Lval2 Sum(Lint) Lrmn1 Lrmn2 12450400 649 405480 405485 270320 337900 202740 Answer Use

SQL Server : fastest way to change rows to columns

I’ve got an issue regarding two tables in my database that have the following columns: COMMENT table Composite key made up of (KEY, TYPE, NUMBER) RESULTS table An example of the COMMENT table would be this: For each KEY, there are only 3 different types A,B,C and one TYPE may have up to 0020 in the NUMBER field. These records
