I am having some trouble getting the data I want from a Typeorm query. Basically, we have a search bar for the users to search our database of products (medicines). I want to select all records from the database that include every word the user entered. (These words are split into an array of values.) It might not be a
Tag: javascript
How to escape it properly?
I have sql string written with template string syntax: I have problems with binding second param – $2 because of single quote. How should I write it properly ? Error: Error: Query failed: bind message supplies 2 parameters, but prepared statement “” requires 1 Answer I think you’re supposed to use wildcards this way:
How to pass a seed value to random order function in Sequelize
In SQL dialects you can sort by random and you can pass a seed to the random function in order to get a repeatable random order of rows. In MySQL you’d do it like this: SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY …
How to write a JavaScript stored procedure in Azure Cosmo DB to return data from SQL API
I’m trying to create a Cosmo DB stored procedure to return the results of a relatively simple SQL statement. If it were purely SQL I would be fine but since I know nothing about JavaScript I’m struggling mightily. Any help would be very much appreciated. Here is the SQL query: Answer You can try something like this: By the way,
How to get related field with typeorm?
In typeorm I run this code and the results are without lastApprover and managerApprover fields. I need those properties to be in the object. what I need to change to achieve that? This is my code: task.ts user.ts: Answer Try to add relations
SQL Server Time Format is not equal to Client Side Time format
I’m trying to compare the client side time format (“14:00”) to SQL Server time format (“14:00:00.0000000″) with SQL Query, technically is not equal because SQL Server time format has seconds and milliseconds, so I tried to concatenate the seconds and milliseconds to client side time format in PHP script like this 14:00.”:00.0000000″ and yet is not equal to SQL Server
How can I find datas smaller than “this sunday” in mysql
I have a mysql table and a date colomb that show when I add datas… I wanna select datas smallar than this sunday from table.. HOw can I do that_? here is my code… I couldnt figure it out “sevk_tarihi < DAY(3)”… Answer I am sorry, I misunderstood the question This gives you past sunday this gives you next sunday
How to run a unique function to calculate and replace a null value in a database?
In the above database, I want to calculate the value for “A2” using the other 3 variables. The premise is that each column has a specific score with respect to each variable and the javascript would sum the answers in a row with a null blank in the A2 slot in this case. Answer You can implement the same logic
How to separate a value taken from a table row and store it in an array in a snowflake
I need to return an array in the stored procedure that takes a comma separated string value from a table and divides that string based on the comma and stores them in an array. Example: My table has a Column Tab_Val with row value as “COL1,COL2,COL3,COL4”, I need to take this row in my stored procedure and return an array
INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE using pg-promise helpers for multi row insert/update
I am trying to insert multiple rows to pgsql database using pg-promise. In my case, few records, which I am trying to insert, may exist already in the table. In such case, I need to update them. By …