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Tag: jakarta-ee

How to include CHECK in JPA @Column columnDefinition?

I am trying to figure out syntax for columnDefinition in Column annotation when i want to add CHECK. So far what i have tried: Using JPA 2.2 (JavaEE 8) and openjpa as jpa provider. Could not find anything in docs: Error i am getting: I can obviously see that Id CHAR(1) DEFAULT ‘X’, CHECK ‘X’ NOT NULL,… is not

Where can I find MySQL Path/URL for NetBeans?

I’m trying to do school JAVA EE project and I have to connect schema made in mysql from MYSql. part of code is (for SQL select) : and i apperently have no URL somehow Any ideas on that? I’m new to SQL and JAVA EE so i face lots of problems :/ Answer First of all you need a running
