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Tag: inner-join

AVG in SQL Server

I am learning SQL Server, and I have a sample database which I got from my co-worker. I created a stored procedure previously which works fine. Now I am trying to show average of the column which I am struggling at the moment. Your supports means a lot and I will learn from this. So here is my query: And

Query help in SQL

I have the below table, with empid, deptid, and Name. I need to get the results as empid,deptid,name and count of employees in each department. I need to get the results as empid,deptid,name, and count of employees in each department as below. I am able to achieve results using the below queries. Is it possible to do this in alternate

Counting organizations which user has not contacted

I am new at PostgreSQL. I have the following tables created in my schema: User table: Organization table: And finally Organization_rating table: With this schema, an organization has a business type in which gives support to the user that also have that business type. After giving this support, the user can rate this organization with organization_rating. Following this logic, I
