I have a select statement with rows as table_Schema I need to merge the rows such that blogs with same row id are merged into a single row. I am trying to get either <author fname, author mname, author lname | coauthor fname coauthor lname> or a column as author co author Each blog can have multiple authors and co
Tag: group-concat
MYSQL Select different records from same table
I am working on small school database and I need some help with selecting students that are only booked on different days in week 1 and week 2. My table structure is like below: I would like to get all the children that meet the following criteria: ONLY booked in week two (This is ChildId 2 and I can get
MySQL Query Returns Different Results
I’m having a strange problem with the following query: Sometimes I get zero, one, two or three results. I should always get three results. What could be causing this? Answer As pointed out by Solarflare, GROUP_CONCAT() could produce your team string in a random order, e.g. ‘Van Williams & Derek Williams’ or ‘Derek Williams & Van Williams’. To remedy this,
I’m working with SQL Workbench. This is an example of the tables I have: I have not created this DB and can’t modify it. Each building corresponds to a site, so it contains a KEY to such site. Same with levels and buildings. I am trying to get this result the first two columns are easy, but I’m having issues
Grouping together results of multiple GROUP_CONCAT() with distinct values only
second attempt at this question with more detail. I am attempting to group the distinct values of multiple columns together for objects of the same name. I can use GROUP_CONCAT on each of the ‘Type’ columns, but I can’t merge them together to get a distinct set of values for each name Here is a sample of my data: And
SQL Function inside of where clause to see if field is in concatenated list (from parameter)
I have these two lines ,SUM (CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY,Shopify_Ordered,Confirmed) >= 1)THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER () Orders1DayNotShipped ,dbo.GROUP_CONCAT( (CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(DAY,Shopify_Ordered,…
mysql – GROUP_CONCAT rows into a string
I have a following result set: req_id | p_id | ai_result | hash | sku 1 | 4 | Match | XAN | HOW 1 | 4 | Match | HXN | HOW 1 | 4 | Non Match | 123 | …
Multiple COALESCE in GROUP_CONCAT – is showing value if only first column isn’t null
Two table’s purchase and sales ‘s column date column has been concatenated as date row. GROUP_CONCAT(purchase.date,’,’,sales.date) AS date But both of them can be blank, according to data input. So …
Can we define a GROUP_CONCAT function in PostgreSQL?
I have several lines of SQL code for my legacy database with GROUP_CONCAT statements, as in: In PostgreSQL, I can do the same with: I would like to reuse the old SQL as much as possible. So I need to define a GROUP_CONCAT function that internally calls string_agg. Is this possible? EDIT: The linked question is unrelated! My question asks
Is there a way to get the following SQL optimized so it would run faster? I encountered the bottleneck are the GROUP_CONCAT’s but I couldn’t find a way by using an alternative or optimizing the query so it would run faster. At the moment the query needs about 3.2s on 2700 entries (mysql database 5.1.73, mysqli). All tables have indices