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Tag: greenplum

Hive trunc date format issues

I am trying to convert GP to Hive migration logic but below statement giving the wrong output while execute query: output for GP : 2021-12-31 similar if we converted Hive query out put if Hive query : 2022-01-02 i could see the difference of the date. please help me. Thanks Answer You are subtracting interval 0 months and 1 day

How to update a column based on values of other columns

I have a tables as below I have to update var_start_date column with min(reporting_date) for each combination of id,code,sub_code and item_nbr only till variance field is zero. Row with variance = 0 should have null var_start_date. and next row after that should have next min(var_start_date.). FYI, variance is calculated as par_cnt-orc_cnt so my output should look like this – I
