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Tag: grafana

Grafana change SQL query for a totalization of each data point

I have a grafana dashboard that charts a bunch of data on 2 query’s, this is one below: And this is the other query: Would anyone know how I could modify this into one SQL expression for a totalization? Instead of 50 different lines on my chart, just one line of all variables added together. The data is air flow

Remove specific value in a string with SQL or grafana

Displaying some data using free version of grafana. The string that has to be displayed looks like this: 5555.7777, but I only want to display 5555. Are there any functions to remove .7777 in SQL or grafana, so that the value that will be displayed only looks like this: 5555. Thanks in advance. Answer You should be able to use

Obtain latest record for a given second Postgres

I have data with millisecond precision timestamp. I want to only filter for the most recent timestamp within a given second. Ie. records (2020-07-13 5:05.38.009, event1), (2020-07-13 5:05.38.012, event2) should only retrieve the latter. I’ve tried the following: But then I’m asked to group by event as well and I see all the data (as if no group by was

How to modify result of select statement based on values?

I am not MySQL guy just learning by doing things, I have database that stores value 0 or 1, now in grafana I want to display online if value yield from select statement is 1 and offline if value of online in select statement is 0. So far this is what I wrote But select statement through error. Answer You’re

SQL request for a JSON file

I am using node-red and influxDB with it. Basically I am running node-red (which execute a python code), with node-red I am getting a data from gauge strain cell, and I have them with a json format as …
