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Tag: dynamic-sql

Eror While Executing a dynamic queries in a variable

I’m executing a dynamic query from a variable but it always says: Could not find stored procedure I have tried to use simpler queries like set @query = ‘select * from [table_name]’ but it gives the same error. In my temporary table is the list of all my trigger name so the expected output I want to get is Command(s)

Dynamically selection of Column Name

I want to select Column Name which has non null and non zero value. So any column name which has 0 or NULL should not be displayed in the output grid I have the Source table as below I want to group by Col1 and Display Col1, MIN(Col2), MIN(Col3), MIN(Col4) and ColRes as (Name of the column with value more


Which are the differences between DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT and EXECUTE IMMEDIATE? Answer Fundamentally they do the same thing, which is to provide a mechanism to execute DDL statements in PL/SQL, which isn’t supported natively. If memory serves me well, the EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT was available in the Oracle 7 version of the DBMS_UTILITY package, whereas Native Dynamic SQL (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) was only introduced in
