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Tag: db2

select all “groups/partitions” where parameter is found

Without going into too much detail – I need to create groups (grouped on a specific field) of data and then display all GROUPS of records that contain a parameter. I need all records in a GROUP even if some do not match the parameter. Any GROUPS where no records contain the parameter would be suppressed. I’m working with db2

DB2 SQL query to SUM the column and Subtract column

I have TRAN_AM (Transaction amount) and DB_CRD_ID(Debit Credit ind). I have to SUM the TRAN_AM based on the credit debit indicator in a single query. Input: My output should be 10, D. Also have to manage negative if Credit is higher. This query will be used as subquery, As I have to compare this amount with the another table. Thanks

Unable to create DB2 Procedure through command line

I am trying to create a procedure to do a blanket revoking of executeauth for procedures from a schema. This is in line with trying to secure a non-restricted database. and this is the command I run to process the file with the code above. However, I keep running into this error I’m fairly new to DB2 and this is

DB2 SELECT from UPDATE Options

I am currently trying to do an However, the version of DB2 I have does not appear to support this Is there any alternative to this in DB2 that could be return a desired result? Where in one query we can Update and Return the result? EDIT – The Select statement is supposed to return the values that are to

Column or global variable not found db2

I have a issue with DB2. I have two libraries with the same structure database. The only one difference is the data. When i try this sql request for the first library, it’s work but when i try with the other library, i have this error. I check the CLIENT and EMPLOYE tables and they have the column with data.
