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Tag: database

Create a new double-field based on the existing string-filed

There is an SQL query forming a table. It is necessary to form another double-number field based on one of the string fields in the table. Values of the original string field (BRLOADSTA0): Values of the resulting double-field (BRLOADSTA9): The request which I’ve create: Full snippet: Thanks in advance even for trying to help 🙂 Answer Could you tell us

Update query with join and where clause

I’m currently confused with a (fairly easy) update statement that I’m trying to execute on a table. The two tables are as such: Customer table has the columns Loan table has the columns I would like to update the passworddisabled attribute to true if they are registered via a specific cash register. I’ve made use of the distinct command because

Simplifying SQL query

I’m using the Bixi public dataset found at and have been asked to find “the average number of trips a day for each year-month combination in the dataset”. Here’s an example of the table from which I’m querying: id start_date start_station_code end_date end_station_code duration_sec is_member 85843 2016-04-15 00:00:00 6315 2016-04-15 00:05:00 6315 349 1 85844 2016-04-15 17:16:00 6315 2016-04-15

Sybase select value from XML field

I have a table named data_values stored in SYBASE in the following format: The value field has the following XML format: I want to select from the value field values like value1, value2, etc. but I can’t find a correct query to do this. I have tried: also value is a reserved keyword I think and I need to escape

Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row in Attribute Subquery

I’m trying to get the difference between two dates deathtime and admittime using subquery in attribute list. This is the script that I run: It returns Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row when I run it. Would really appreciate any help. Answer The reason why you’re getting that error is because a subquery can’t return more than

SQL Trigger for updating values from a query by id

I have three tables: employee with id(employee id), numOfTickets tickets with date, asset(id) and some more fields control with id(employee id), asset(id) when a new ticket is created it automatically inserts a row into tickets and control. Now I want to create a Trigger or something similar to automatically update the number of open tickets for each employee. A Query
