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Tag: c#

Returning multiple XML from ref cursor oracle

There is a procedure in the Oracle DB which takes a date range and generates XML file for each day and the return type is ref cursor. When the procedure is called from C# code, I am unable to extract the XML from the cursor. Any pointers will be helpful on how to extract the XML Below given is the

How to insert images of picture box which is created by for loop?

If user enters 5 this loop creates 5 pictureboxes Here I have a click event for selecting image of each picture box My question is… How can I insert those images of pictureBoxes into SQL SERVER at once? can anyone help ? appreciate it. Answer If you have 5 picture boxes in your application and in your database table there

Connect to local database on other computers

How can I use my LocalDB on other computers? I tried this but it doesn’t work because I get this error: Local Database Runtime error occurred. Cannot create an automatic instance Does someone know how to fix this, or what I can do instead? I don’t want to use SQLServer because I am making a program for an offline computer.

Is XPath the same as Linq? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 9 months ago. Improve this question I studied the concept of XPath and xml but did not understand how they relate to what XPath is designed to do as a query

Search in the database

This Messages form display table with these informations (ID,FROM,TO,TITLE,MESSAGE). I am trying to search for all the messages send to a certain user . user will enter his name in the Search_textBox then it will filter the table to keep only messages to this user. I get this error : Answer this is Correct

SQL | C# – Reader rows

I have a small problem with MySqlDataReader. I have data in MySql and I have column “name” and X rows under. Reader reads sucessfully all of this but output is in one string and looks like “FirtSecondThird” but i need all of this words in list word by word. The code is: Does anyone know what to do with it?

Load Data into Datagridview Combobox

I have 2 field First “Name” and second “NIC” the “Name” Is text field and “NIC” Is combobox field. My query is i want to load data which is already save into SQL and i want to load it again on my grid how i can do that LIKE the below is my sql result name nic FT Muhammad Ejaz

Build efficient SQL statements with multiple parameters in C#

I have a list of items with different ids which represent a SQL table’s PK values. Is there any way to build an efficient and safe statement? Since now I’ve always prepared a string representing the statement and build it as I traversed the list via a foreach loop. Here’s an example of what I’m doing: Which feels very unsafe

Return IEnumerable rather IEnumerable

I need to join two tables and get the data from one of the table using linq. The join works fine but it returns IEnumerable <$IEnumerable><$Ojbect> and I need IEnumerable<$Object> Here is the code: Thanks Answer In general, when you want to “flatten” a collection, SelectMany is the construct you’re looking for. In LINQ Query Syntax, that’s accomplished with multiple
