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Tag: average

SQLite – Rolling Average/Sum

I have a dataset as shown below, wondering how I can do a rolling average with its current record followed by next two records. Example: lets consider the first record whose total is 3 followed by 4 and 7 ,Now the rolling 3 day average for first record would be 4.6 and so on. Expected output: PS: Having “null” value

How to calculate the average value of following n rows based on another column – SQL (Oracle) – updated version of previously answered question

I am trying to calculate average monthly value of PREMIUM for each POLICY_ID in monthly basis as shown below screenshot. When a customer updates his/her yearly PAYMENT_FREQUENCY to a value different than 12, I need to manually calculate the average monthly value for the PREMIUM. In addition, average monthly PREMIUM amount can be changed in time. For instance, for the

SQL perform AVG after MAX

I have two tables. Table1: | ID1 | ID2 | ID3 | ID4 | |—–+—–+—–+—–| | 200 | 125 | 300 | 201 | | 206 | 128 | 650 | 261 | | 230 | 543 | 989 | 403 | and Table2: | ID1 | ID2 | ID3 | ID4 | …

Performance for Avg & Max in SQL

I want to decrease the query execution time for the following query. This query is taking around 1 min 20 secs for about 2k records. Numbers of records in table: 1348474 Number of records processed through where query: 25000 Number of records returned: 2152 I tried removing the AVG & MAX columns and it lowered to 1 sec. Is there

Inner join and average in SQL

I’m new to SQL thus the question. I’m trying to query the following. Given the CITY and COUNTRY tables, query the names of all the continents (COUNTRY.Continent) and their respective average city populations (CITY.Population) rounded down to the nearest integer. The table schemas are City: id, name, countryside, population I’ve written the inner join, but can’t seem to figure out
