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Tag: apache-spark

What’s the default window frame for window functions

Running the following code: The result is: There is no window frame defined in the above code, it looks the default window frame is rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow) Not sure my understanding about default window frame is correct Answer From Spark Gotchas Default frame specification depends on other aspects of a given window defintion: if the ORDER BY clause is specified and

Pyspark: cast array with nested struct to string

I have pyspark dataframe with a column named Filters: “array>” I want to save my dataframe in csv file, for that i need to cast the array to string type. I tried to cast it: DF.Filters.tostring() and DF.Filters.cast(StringType()), but both solutions generate error message for each row in the columns Filters: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeArrayData@56234c19 The code is as follows Sample JSON data:

Register temp table in dataframe not working

Below is my script to use sql in dataframe with python: shows result below: then I register the dataframe to a temp table: and tried to run some sql query like below: It doesn’t produce expected result, instead: I also tried: and it gives me: So it seems the registerTempTable method only create the table schema and the table
