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Tag: amazon-athena

Presto how to find start date given week

I want to find start date from given ISO week (which can range from 1-53, Monday as starting day) and year using Presto SQL query. i.e. year – 2020 and week – 2 should return 06/01/2020 Is there any inbuilt function for this ? Table structure: Answer There’s no direct way for constructing a date from a year + week

Search for exact string value in JSON

I have a column stored in JSON that looks like column name: s2s_payload Values: I want to query exact values in the array rather than returning all values for a certain data type. I was using JSON_EXTRACT to get distinct counts. If I want to filter where “”eventtype””:””search”” how can I do this? I tried using CAST(s2s_payload AS CHAR) =
