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Tag: aggregation

Can you help me to correct this query in sql

ERROR at line 1: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression Answer You are getting this error for WEIGHT_IN_PERCENTAGE. If WEIGHT_IN_PERCENTAGE is same for every row in a group you can use (SUM(POINTS) * max(WEIGHT_IN_PERCENTAGE)) or you can SUM(POINTS*WEIGHT_IN_PERCENTAGE) multiply it with POINTS before sum: OR

Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups. At least 1 group must only depend on input columns

I have a dataset with booking hotels. date_in has format “yyyy-MM-dd”. I need select top 10 the most visited hotel by month. I get the following error: Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups. At least 1 group must only depend on input columns. Also check for circular dependencies. Underlying error: org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException: Line

How does Impala Implements GroupBy Extension(CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS) In a distributed way?

I’m Learning how to Implement GroupBy Extension(CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS), I’ve watched at FE several times, But I still can’t understand how to use grouping_ids to implement GroupBy Extension throught collaboration with BE in a distributed way.How is it to collaborition with ExchangeNode? Is it collaborition with ExchangeNode? Can someone help me with the maze? Answer Impala introduced the
