I have a request to get data in my mySQL database (36,848 entries). Then I format and append them with jQuery on my web page.
These two operations take 2 minutes and 30 seconds. During this time, no other operation is possible on the page.
Is there a way to optimize this to speed up the process? Like this, it’s unusable.
My PHP function
<?php function get_my_customers() { $req = $bdd->prepare("SELECT * FROM clients ORDER BY raison_sociale"); $req->execute(); $customers = $req->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $customers; } if(isset($_POST['ajax'])){ $result = get_my_customers(); echo json_encode($result); } ?>
Data retrieval in jQuery (Ajax)
function get_my_customers(){ var customers; $.ajax({ url: "model/application/*******/customers/get_my_customers.php", async: false, type: "POST", dataType: 'json', data: {ajax: 'true'}, success: function(data) { customers = data; } }); return customers; } var my_customers = get_my_customers(); $('#customers_list').append('<div class="list_card" card="customers_list"></div>'); $.each(my_customers, function(key, val){ if(val.enseigne == null){ var enseigne = ''; }else{ var enseigne = ',' + val.enseigne; } $('.list_card[card="customers_list"]').append(''+ '<div class="list_card_element">'+ '<div><b>'+ val.numero_client +'</b></div>'+ '<div>'+ '<b>'+ val.raison_sociale +'</b>' + enseigne + '<br>'+ val.cp_livraison + ', ' + val.adresse_livraison + '</div>'+ '</div>' ); });
Do you know what I can do to speed up processing time? I’ve tried limiting the SELECT query to only the fields I need but that doesn’t improve processing time.
I wonder if it’s not rather the jQuery layout that takes time rather than the SQL query.
Thank you !
I just passed from 2 minutes and 30 secondes to 14 secondes with this optimization.
var construct_customers = ""; $.each(my_customers, function(key, val){ if(val.enseigne == null){ var enseigne = ''; }else{ var enseigne = ',' + val.enseigne; } construct_customers += '<div class="list_card_element">'+'<div><b>'+ val.numero_client +'</b></div>'+'<div>'+'<b>'+ val.raison_sociale +'</b>' + enseigne +'<br>'+val.cp_livraison + ', ' + val.adresse_livraison +'</div>'+'</div>'; //OLD CODE // $('.list_card[card="customers_list"]').append(''+ // '<div class="list_card_element">'+ // '<div><b>'+ val.numero_client +'</b></div>'+ // '<div>'+ // '<b>'+ val.raison_sociale +'</b>' + enseigne + // '<br>'+ // val.cp_livraison + ', ' + val.adresse_livraison + // '</div>'+ // '</div>' // ); }); $('.list_card[card="customers_list"]').append(construct_customers);
I’m impressed