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Search specific format value in database field

I have to search for specific format values in a database field. Value format as below: ABC 1167:YYYY ABC 45870:YYYY ABC 7654:YYYY ABC 45076:YYYY YYYY- could be a year i.e. 2018, 2019 I tried to …

like clause in JPA native sql query

I have a query that returns a list of products: @Query(value = “Select * from Product join Product_Pro pp on Product.ID = pp.PRODUCT_ID where A_ID= ?1 order by name”, nativeQuery = true) …

retrieve unique visits sql not working mysql

I have this table visitors: ip,last_date (datetime) When a different ip enters to the site in an specific day, it insert a new row, no matter if the ip is entering again. Whit this sql statement I …

SQL – Pulling column data from two different tables and using it

I’m trying to pull data from two different columns from separate tables to use in my ranking query. I’m trying to keep data from the left column “PVPRanking” and merging the rest, thus my RIGHT JOIN. PVPScores – Has PVPWins, PVPLose, and PVPGiveUP. While PVPRanking has the rest. I cant seem to properly use this data without getting errors like
