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How to auto update column value in Child Table based on Parent Table?

My web app architecture for user access separated in two ways:- Manager Table (column: privilege) Employee Table (column: privilege, permission) Where Manager is a Super-Admin account which will be used to subscribe our service based on package type(eg: basic, silver, gold). For Employee, this acc will be created by Manager and share the same privilege of Manager by default(the subscribed

How to count multiple columns in SQL (Oracle) with criteria?

I’m working on SMS-Gateway that holds multiple charged SMS-services with different numbers, each SMS sent to the customer has 4 status as below (forwarded, delivered, expired,delivery failed) Now I have the below first_table for the charging-system with the below details (TABLE-A) and below (TABLE-B) which contain the status of each sent SMS with its ID Below is my expected final

SQL Query to find top 5 cumulative tweets

How to find the top 5 months with the highest number of cumulative tweets and sort it according to the number of tweets of each month. Table twitter structure is like this: Token type Month …

multidimensional “WHERE IN” condition?

As is well-known, we can simplify as follows: Is there a similar shortcut possible for “multidimensional” conditions as in the following: in a form resembling something like this ? I would be willing to count anything as a simplification that uses O(n) characters where the factor is significantly smaller than in the naive example (i.e., adding one more case makes

Pivot some row values to a columns

I am trying to pivot some row values to a column, below is what I am trying to achieve. My Current Schema: This is what I am trying to achieve: but it skips rows when name and lan have similar values, in this case it skips the row with the name value vsp. Answer this fixes my problem.
