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set sql server connection to readonly?

How do I set a SQL server connection to readonly? I tried Googling and all I found was File Mode=Read Only, but it didn’t work (File Mode keyword not supported). The reference looked SQL CE specific. No luck with SQLite Read Only=True either. -edit- My connection string is below. I have no clue when it comes to configuring the tables.

Passing combobox value into SQL query in MS Access

I have a combobox in a form, and I want the text of the combobox to be passed into a query. My query is: The form’s name is Enter Data and the combobox’s name is comboCup. Should i do this: or this? Answer You should use [Forms]![Enter Data]![comboCup]. As @Remou has said, the .Text property of an Access control is

Avoiding Nested Queries

How Important is it to avoid nested queries. I have always learnt to avoid them like a plague. But they are the most natural thing to me. When I am designing a query, the first thing I write is a nested query. Then I convert it to joins, which sometimes takes a lot of time to get right. And rarely

is it possible to select EXISTS directly as a bit?

I was wondering if it’s possible to do something like this (which doesn’t work): select cast( (exists(select * from theTable where theColumn like ‘theValue%’) as bit) Seems like it should be doable, but lots of things that should work in SQL don’t 😉 I’ve seen workarounds for this (SELECT 1 where… Exists…) but it seems like I should be able

XML Output is Truncated in SQL

I need to return my result set in XML and this works fine, but if the number of records are increased, my xml output is truncated here is my query select,,t.address from test FOR XML AUTO, …
