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Match specific or default value on multiple columns

raw_data :

name account_id type element_id cost
First 1 type1 element1 0.1
Second 2 type2 element2 0.2
First 11 type2 element11 0.11


name account_id (default = -1) type (default = null) element_id (default = null) cost
First -1 null null 0.1
Second 2 type2 null 0.2
First 11 type2 element11 0.11

I seek to check whether the cost logged in raw_data is the same as that in components for a given combination. They need to be joined on column name. Remaining fields in raw_data are always populated. In components, any row can be a combination of specific values and the default values.

I seek to match the columns from raw_data to components wherever I find a match and otherwise need to use the default value to get the cost. I failed with left join and union and IN.

E.g. For the first row in raw_data table with name “First”, I do not have account_id = 1 in the components table. So I need to go with account_id = -1.

Match as many specific values as found in components, Otherwise resort to default values.



I think one way you could do this is something like:

The idea here is to match on an actual match or the default. Then the row_number window function is used to prioritize the matches based on a count of how many columns actually matched (you said you don’t care about ties, so this doesn’t handle that). The outer query throws away the matches that aren’t the best.

With the sample data above, this could be an inner join, but I left it as a left join since that’s what was mentioned.

Here’s a fiddle of it working. Hopefully this is close to what you want.

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