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Hive: randomly select N values from distinct values of one column

Suppose I have a dataset like this

|    ID           |     Values     |
|     123         |     aaaa       |
|    234          |    bbb         |
|     123         |     ab3d       |
|    264          |     34g3ff     |
|     783         |     341g5h     |
|    921          |     7jdfew     |
|     264         |     53fj       |

I would like to randomly select, say, 3 values from the distinct ID values. One possibility is to get a table like this

|    ID           |     Values     |
|     123         |     aaaa       |
|     123         |     ab3d       |
|     783         |     341g5h     |
|    921          |     7jdfew     |

How shall I do that in Hive?



Here is one option using a join and rand():

select id, values
from mytable t
inner join (select distinct id from mytable order by rand() limit 3) i on =

The subquery randomly selects 3 ids, then the outer query brings all related rows.

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