I want to achieve the following transformation. I have last_name stored in a repeated record as follows.
I want to achieve the following. data after transformation
Example with sample data created.
create or replace table t1.cte1 as WITH t1 AS ( SELECT 1 as id,'eren' AS last_name UNION ALL SELECT 1 as id,'yilmaz' AS last_name UNION ALL SELECT 1 as id,'kaya' AS last_name ) SELECT id,ARRAY_AGG(STRUCT(last_name)) AS last_name_rec FROM t1 GROUP BY id; with test as ( select x.id, x.lname_agg,y.last_name from ( select id, STRING_AGG(h.last_name,' ') lname_agg FROM t1.cte1 LEFT JOIN UNNEST(last_name_rec) AS h group by id ) x, (select id,h.last_name last_name FROM t1.cte1 LEFT JOIN UNNEST(last_name_rec) AS h group by last_name,id) y ) select id ,sp.string_flatten_dedup( lname_agg,' ') concat_last_name, last_name from test;
I’m not sure either if I should store it as an array instead of a concatenated field but it would be good to know how to achieve both. storing the concat_last_name as an array
I have achieved the first transformation as follows but I had to dedup the concatenated field with a function I wrote. I’m sure there is a much better way of achieving this.
with test as ( select x.id id, x.lname_agg,y.last_name from ( select id, STRING_AGG(h.last_name,' ') lname_agg FROM small_test LEFT JOIN UNNEST(last_name_rec) AS h group by id ) x, (select id,h.last_name last_name FROM small_test LEFT JOIN UNNEST(last_name_rec) AS h group by last_name,id) y ) select id ,sp.string_flatten_dedup( lname_agg,' ') concat_last_name, last_name from test;
The function. string_flatten_dedup
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp.string_flatten_dedup(string_value string, delim string) AS ( ARRAY_TO_STRING (ARRAY(SELECT distinct string_value FROM UNNEST(SPLIT(string_value, delim)) AS string_value order by string_value desc, string_value), delim) );
before using function. intermediate results.
Final result after applying dedup function. final output
Updated table structure. t1.ccte1
Yours works but I got the table structure incorrect when I first posted.
create or replace table t1.cte2 as with your_table as ( select 1 id, ['brown', 'smith', 'jones'] last_name union all select 2, ['ryan', 'murphy'] ) select id, ln as last_name, array_to_string(last_name, ',') as concat_last_name, from your_table, unnest(last_name) ln; select id, ln as last_name, array_to_string(last_name, ',') as concat_last_name, from t1.cte2, unnest(last_name) ln; --fails as its not the structure I thought it was cte1 is different then cte2 select id, ln.last_name --array_to_string(last_name, ',') as concat_last_name, from t1.cte1, unnest(last_name_rec) ln;
Consider below approach
select id, ln as last_name, array_to_string(last_name, ',') as concat_last_name, from your_table, unnest(last_name) ln
if applied to sample data in your question data before transformation
with your_table as ( select 1 id, ['brown', 'smith', 'jones'] last_name union all select 2, ['ryan', 'murphy'] )
output is
In case if you want last names as an array – you already have this array – see below for how to use it
select id, ln as last_name, last_name as concat_last_name, from your_table, unnest(last_name) ln
with output