I have a view using a CTE and I want use a row number to simulate a key for my edmx in Visual Studio
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[ViewLstTypesArticle] AS WITH cte (IdTypeArticle, IdTypeArticleParent, Logo, Libelle, FullLibelle, Racine) AS ( SELECT f.Id AS IdTypeArticle, NULL AS IdParent, f.Logo, f.Libelle, CAST(f.Libelle AS varchar(MAX)) AS Expr1, f.Id AS Racine FROM dbo.ArticleType AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ArticleTypeParent AS p ON p.IdTypeArticle = f.Id WHERE (p.IdTypeArticleParent IS NULL) AND (f.Affichable = 1) UNION ALL SELECT f.Id AS IdTypeArticle, p.IdTypeArticleParent, f.Logo, f.Libelle, CAST(parent.Libelle + ' / ' + f.Libelle AS varchar(MAX)) AS Expr1, parent.Racine FROM dbo.ArticleTypeParent AS p INNER JOIN cte AS parent ON p.IdTypeArticleParent = parent.IdTypeArticle INNER JOIN dbo.ArticleType AS f ON f.Id = p.IdTypeArticle ) SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY FullLibelle) AS Id FROM (SELECT IdTypeArticle, IdTypeArticleParent, Logo, Libelle, FullLibelle, Racine FROM cte) AS CTE1
When I look in properties of column I see Id bigint … NULL
And my edmx exclude this view cause don’t find a column can be used to key
When I execute my view ID have no null. I’ve all my row number.
If someone encounter this problem and resolved it … Thanks
SQL Server generally thinks that columns are NULL
-able in views (and when using SELECT INTO
You can convince SQL Server that this is not the case by using ISNULL()
select *, ISNULL(ROW_NUMBER() over(ORDER BY FullLibelle), 0) as Id from . . .
Note: This works with ISNULL()
but not with COALESCE()
which otherwise has very similar functionality.