I’m always getting the “enter parameter value error” when I try to run this code. The error refers to idPat, idSP, idPar and measure_value. I have checked with the debug idPar, idPat, idSP and measure_value and they assume the correct value; the errors comes out when I run sql.
Dim idPar As Integer Dim idPat As Integer Dim idSP As Integer Dim current_fc As String Dim namePar As String Dim sql As String Dim measureValue As Integer current_fc = TempVars!CurrentUsername namePar = Me.cmbManualDailyPar.Value measureValue = Me.txtMeasureValue idPar = Nz(DLookup("ID_par", "Parameter", "name_par = '" & namePar & "'"), 0) idPat = Nz(DLookup("ID_patient", "Patient", "fiscal_code = '" & current_fc & "'"), 0) idSP = Nz(DLookup("ID_SP", "Diagnosis", "ID_patient = " & idPat & ""), 0) sql = "INSERT INTO Measure(ID_par, measure_value,ID_SP,ID_patient)" & _ " VALUES(idPar,measureValue,idSP,idPat);" DoCmd.RunSQL sql
part is just text. What you need is:
" VALUES(" & idPar & "," & measureValue & "," & idSP & "," & idPat & ")"
You may also need to enclose text values in database quotes, for example:
" VALUES(" & idPar & ", '" & measureValue & "'," & idSP & "," & idPat & ")"
to enclose measureValue
if it is text.