EntityManager em = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
String str = String.format("UPDATE service.rules SET server_id='%2$s', alert_id='%3$s', rule_expression='%4$s', rule_frequncy='%5$s' WHERE rule_id='%1$s'",Rule.getRuleId(),Rule.getServerId(),Rule.getAlertId(),Rule.getRuleExpression(),Rule.getRuleFrequency());
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(str);
Here if one of data in rule object is null apart from rule_id(As it’s necessary) this query will fail, so instead I can format string for each value in Rule object and concat them excluding which has null value in Rule object but is there any better way to do this? Because if there are 100s of columns then this will not be ideal process. So does JPA has anything which can fulfill my requirement.
The JPA way of doing it is to create entity mappings:
public class Rule {
private int id;
private Server server;
private Alert alert;
private String ruleExpression;
private double ruleFrequency;
A spring jpa repository:
class RuleRepository extends JpaRepository<Rule, Integer> {
And a service to handle persistance:
public class RuleService {
@Autowired RuleRepository ruleRepository;
public Rule update( Rule rule ) {
return ruleRepository.save( rule );
And use it like:
Rule rule = getRule();
//change rule
The JPA provider will generate the query for you behind the curtains, no need for complicated native queries.