I am trying to use v(‘APP_USER’) as default value for a column. I get null
when I use it in select like
select v('APP_USER') from dual;
But when I use it as default in column, like below, I am getting error.
create table test_table (col_1 varchar2(50) default NVL(v('APP_USER'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','OS_USER')));
create table test_table (col_1 varchar2(50) default NVL(v('APP_USER'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','OS_USER'))) Error report - ORA-04044: procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here 04044. 00000 - "procedure, function, package, or type is not allowed here" *Cause: A procedure, function, or package was specified in an inappropriate place in a statement. *Action: Make sure the name is correct or remove it.
Can anyone explain this or have a turnaround for this ??
There are other options than V(‘APP_USER’). Since Apex 5, the APP_USER is stored in the sys_context and that is a lot more performant than the V() function. It is available as SYS_CONTEXT('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER')
It also works as a default value for tables:
create table test_table (col_1 VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT SYS_CONTEXT('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER')); Table TEST_TABLE created.
That being said, the best practice for audit columns is a trigger that populates the the 4 audit columns (as @Littlefoot suggested). Have a look at quicksql (under SQL Workshop > Utilities or on livesql.oracle.com). You can have it generate the triggers for you if you set “include Audit columns” and “Apex Enabled”. An example of such a generated trigger is:
create or replace trigger employees_biu before insert or update on employees for each row begin if inserting then :new.created := sysdate; :new.created_by := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user); end if; :new.updated := sysdate; :new.updated_by := nvl(sys_context('APEX$SESSION','APP_USER'),user); end employees_biu; /