I’m working on a web based PHP form that’s currently connect to an Oracle database. I’m trying to get the functionality working so that after a user submits the form it’ll check if a row exists based on the Job Number, if it does then update, otherwise insert the values.
It’s bring back an internal server error at the moment and I can’t quite see why.
Below is the code snippet…
<?php //connect to database $DBC = oci_connect("username", "password", "server"); set_time_limit ( 120 ); $jobNumber = $_POST['jobNumber']; $C1utShortAmount = $_POST['1CutShortAmount']; $1Scrap = $_POST['1Scrap']; $1Repair = $_POST['1Repair']; $1TotalQty = $_POST['1TotalQty']; $2Scrap = $_POST['2Scrap']; $2RaisedParts = $_POST['2RaisedParts']; $2Repair = $_POST['2Repair']; $2TotalQty = $_POST['2TotalQty']; $3Repair = $_POST['3Repair']; $3Scrap = $_POST['3Scrap']; $3Repair = $_POST['3SmtRepair']; $3RaisedParts = $_POST['3RaisedParts']; $3TotalQty = $_POST['3TotalQty']; $createdBy = $_POST['usersname']; $sqlSelect = "SELECT * FROM wip.table1 WHERE JOB_NUMBER = '$jobNumber'"; $SQL = "INSERT INTO wip.table1 ( job_number, 1_Cut_Short_Amount, 1_Scrap, 1_Repair, 1_Total_Qty, 2_Scrap, 2_Raised_Parts, 2_Repair, 2_Total_Qty, 3_Repair, 3_Scrap, 3_Repair, 3_Raised_Parts, 3_Total_Qty ) VALUES ( '$jobNumber', '$1CutShortAmount', '$1Scrap', '$1Repair', '$1TotalQty', '$2Scrap', '$2RaisedParts', '$2Repair', '$2TotalQty', '$3Repair', '$3Scrap', '$3Repair', '$3RaisedParts', '$3TotalQty' )"; $sql2 = "UPDATE wip.table1 SET 1CUT_SHORT_AMOUNT = '$1CutShortAmount', 1SCRAP = '$1Scrap', 1REPAIR = '$1Repair', 1TOTAL_QTY = '$1TotalQty', 2SCRAP = '$2Scrap', 2RAISED_PARTS = '$2RaisedParts', 2SMT_REPAIR = '$2Repair', 2TOTAL_QTY = '$2TotalQty', 3REPAIR = '$3Repair', 3SCRAP = '$3eScrap', 3SMT_REPAIR = '$3SmtRepair', 3RAISED_PARTS = '$3RaisedParts', 3TOTAL_QTY = '$3TotalQty' WHERE JOB_NUMBER LIKE '$jobNumber'"; if(oci_num_rows($sqlSelect) > 0){ $stmt = oci_parse($DBC,$SQL2); $rc = oci_execute($stmt); if (!$rc) { $error = oci_error($stmt); var_dump($error); } oci_free_statement($stmt); } else { $stmt1 = oci_parse($DBC,$SQL); $rc = oci_execute($stmt1); if (!$rc) { $error = oci_error($stmt1); var_dump($error); } oci_free_statement($stmt1); }
In Oracle, you need to first parse, execute and then fetch before num_rows.
<?php $stmt = oci_parse($DBC,$sqlSelect); $rc = oci_execute($stmt); $row=oci_fetch_array($stmt); $jobExists=oci_num_rows($stmt)>0; if($jobExists){ $stmt = oci_parse($DBC,$SQL2); $rc = oci_execute($stmt); if (!$rc) { $error = oci_error($stmt); var_dump($error); } oci_free_statement($stmt); } else { $stmt1 = oci_parse($DBC,$SQL); $rc = oci_execute($stmt1); if (!$rc) { $error = oci_error($stmt1); var_dump($error); } oci_free_statement($stmt1); } ?>