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Two different table counts insert into Hive Table

i need to insert data into hive table from two different table counts.

example, let assume i have a table sample having fields counter1 and counter2

now i have another two tables test1 and test2.

i need to insert into sample.counter1 as select count(*) from test1 and sample.counter2 as select count(*) from test2

it works if final table is having one column like:

insert into table sample select count(*) from test1

now i need to insert two columns.

any suggestions?



Is this what you are looking for?

insert into sample.counter1 (counter1, counter2)
    select t1.cnt, t2.cnt
    from (select count(*) as cnt from test1) t1 cross join
         (select count(*) as cnt from test2) t2;
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