I’m trying to calculate the difference between today’s and yesterday’s totals on a column. If a self join isn’t the best way to do that, that is fine, whichever will give me the result I’m after should be ok.
- Only compare the last 2 days worth of data, even though the table will have multiple days worth of data, only one entry per day though.
- Calculate the difference between yesterdays totals and today’s totals for the column.
The code below returns a zero and I’m not understanding why.
Why won’t it calculate and what should I do to meet the requirements please?
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #t1 CREATE TABLE #t1 ( countID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ,empCount VARCHAR(20) ,CountDate DATETIME ) INSERT INTO #t1 ( countID , empCount , CountDate ) VALUES (NEWID(),'123000', GETDATE()) ,(NEWID(),'100', '20200813') ,(NEWID(),'100', '20200810') SELECT today.countID , (CAST(today.empCount AS INT)) - (CAST(yesterday.empCount AS INT)) AS CountDiff , today.empCount , today.CountDate FROM #t1 AS today INNER JOIN #t1 AS yesterday ON today.countID = yesterday.countID AND yesterday.CountDate > (SELECT dateadd(day,datediff(day,2,GETDATE()),0))
I think you want lag()
select t.*, (empcount - lag(empcount) over (order by countdate)) as diff from #t1 t;
If you want only the last two days, then:
select top (1) t.* from (select t.*, (empcount - lag(empcount) over (order by countdate)) as diff from #t1 t ) t order by countdate desc;
Note: This interprets “yesterday” as the last two days in the table. If you actually want today and yesterday specifically, then you can use a where
select top (1) t.* from (select t.*, (empcount - lag(empcount) over (order by countdate)) as diff from #t1 t where countdate >= dateadd(day, -1, convert(date, getdate())) ) t order by countdate desc;