I have quite a long string that I want to trim the beginning and ending of. See a random example below:
{ “topic”: “birds”, “body”:”cool bird”, “attachment1″:”bird1”, “attachment2″:”anotherbird” }
My desired output:
“attachment1″:”bird1”, “attachment2″:”anotherbird”
I want to keep the attachments so I would have to trim everything up to the first attachment “attachment1” and get rid of the ‘}’ as well as the extra space.
FYI- I am using SQL Server. Any feedback or suggestions would be super helpful! Thank you. 🙂
EDIT: If ‘”attachment1″:’ cannot be found in the string, I’d like the value to return NULL instead of returning the original string. How would I modify the answer to incorporate this rule?
You can use:
select replace(stuff(str, 1, charindex('"attachment1":', str), ''), ' }', '')
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Probably the simplest solution to handle a missing "attachment"
is to use case
select (case when str like '%"attachment1"%' then replace(stuff(str, 1, charindex('"attachment1":', str), ''), ' }', '') end)